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[이벤트] St. Hattrick's Day 01 Champion 2023

Event Period
  • -03.17.2023 Friday 4:00PM PST ~ 04.02.2023 Sunday 11:59PM PST
Event Type
01 Champion
Event Fee
Minimum Games
  • -Players must play a minimum of 10 games to generate a complete Champion PPD for ranking and to qualify for the division’s payout.
Champion AVG
  • -Player’s Champion PPD average for ranking is based on their top 10 Champion 01 games played. Players can play as many Champion games as they want during the event period to maximize the PPD average of their top 10 games.
  • -
    1 – 7 General Rating
    501, Full Bull, Open In, Open Out
  • -
    8 – 13 General Rating
    501, Full Bull, Open In, Open Out
  • -
    14 – 19 General Rating
    701, Full Bull, Open In, Master Out
  • -$1,200 Total | $400 per division
    • ·1st $200
    • ·2nd $150
    • ·3rd $50
  • *A division must have a minimum of 10 players who have each played at least 10 Champion games. Otherwise, PDUSA reserves the right to reduce that division’s payout by up to 50%. If a division does not have at least 3 players who have played 10 games, PDUSA reserves the right to reduce that division’s payout by up to 80%.
Raffle Prizes
  • -Players will earn 1 Raffle Ticket for every 10 Champion games played! 2 Raffle Ticket winners will be drawn after the St. Hattrick’s Day 01 Champion has ended and winners announced on our Facebook page (
Social Media Event
  • -• PDUSA will run a social media event for the St Hattrick’s Day 01 Champion, please check our Facebook page ( for details!
How to Register for The Champion
  • -• When the event period begins, you can register for The Champion at a Phoenixdarts machine that is connected online.
    1. 1.Once you’re at a Phoenixdarts machine, access the Full Menu.
    2. 2.Highlight Competition and press the red button.
    3. 3.Highlight The Champion and press the red button.
    4. 4.Scan your Phoenix Club Card or Smart Check-In.
    5. 5.Use the arrow buttons to move to Competition Information then push the red button.
    6. 6.You will be taken to a list of Champion competitions you are eligible to register for. Highlight the Champion competition you would like to join and press the red button.
      1. a.You will be automatically placed in a division based on your General Rating. If you see that you have been placed in a division that you clearly do not belong in, email and we will review your division placement for confirmation. If you overachieve during your Champion games, you will be bumped up to a higher division. If this happens, your previous games may be disqualified and you may need to start from scratch in your new division.
    7. 7.Once you join the Champion competition, you will be required to take a picture before you can play any games. Your face must be clearly visible in this picture for identification purposes. If your picture does not meet this criteria your Champion games may be disqualified.
    8. 8.Before you begin The Champion, the machine will ask you to confirm that both cameras are working properly. If either player or target camera or not functional, please contact your operator and let them know that a repair is required. Any Champion games played on that machine before it’s repaired will be disqualified. You may move to another machine to play your Champion games, you are not required to play games on the machine that you used to register for the Champion event.
  1. 1.The top 10 highest PPD 01 games from all the Champion games you play in this event will be averaged and decide your place in the rankings. You will need to play a minimum of 10 Champion games to establish your Champion AVG. You can play as many games as you would like to maximize the average PPD of your top 10 games.
  2. 2.Champion games must be played on a machine that has both player and target cameras working properly. It’s the player’s responsibility to confirm that both cameras are working before playing their Champion games. PDUSA will not grant refunds for games disqualified due to this.
  3. 3.Player profile picture must clearly display the player’s face. Champion games where the player’s face is not visible for identification purposes may be disqualified and not counted towards their Champion AVG.
  4. 4.PDUSA reserves the right to change a player’s division placement at any time if there is evidence of sandbagging or overachieving. Players who are bumped may need to start from scratch in their new division. No refunds will be given for previously played games. Please notify PDUSA immediately (email: if you feel that you have been placed in a division that you do not belong in!
  5. 5.If a player is caught cheating or acting dishonestly in any way to gain a competitive advantage, the player will be removed from the event with no refunds given. Further sanctions may apply based on the severity of the offense(s).
  6. 6.The machine is always right. If the dart does not stick to the target and a score is not registered, the player must skip the dart and consider it a lost dart. This includes throwing a dart too early between rounds. However, if a dart sticks to the target but the machine did not score it, the player may push the loose dart deeper into the segment to register their score.