My Story
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Hobby profile
- Darts playing history (Year/Month)
- Favorite game
- Do you have a girl/ boy friend?
- Hobby
- What is your favorite food?
- Favorite beverage
- Self introduction

[Auckland]NZ Office bar
- 16 Dagenham Street, Manurena, Auckland, 2102, New Zealand
- VSS 5 .

[Auckland]Dart Shop
- Unit 11, 16 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand
- VSS 1 .

[Bay of Plenty]Glen's Place
- 1 Layla Place, Katikati, 3178
- VSS 1 .

[Bay of Plenty]Mitchell Downs Tavern
- 12 Goldie Street, Pukehangi, Rotorua 3015
- VSS 2 .

[Bay of Plenty]Top Pub
- 2618 SH 26, Morrinsville 3372
- VSS 1 .